
My mission is to facilitate individuals and couples on their process towards self-discovery, mental wellbeing, and personal growth. I offer a range of services tailored to fit your unique needs, I provide both in-person and online sessions in English and Greek. Here is an overview:

Individual Therapy

These personalised therapy sessions, available both in-person and online, delve into your unique feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. Individual therapy aims to cultivate self-awareness, guide you through life transitions, and assist you in managing emotional challenges. 

Couples Therapy

This service addresses relationship issues and is designed for couples wishing to improve their dynamic. We will work on communication skills, conflict resolution, increasing awareness and finding common ground during these couples counselling or couples therapy sessions, which can be conducted in person or online.

Life Coaching

If you’re seeking a transformation in your personal or professional life, my life coaching sessions can guide you. We will work together on goal setting, self-improvement or career advancement.

The sessions can be conducted either online or onsite. Onsite sessions are offered in Amsterdam at Van Eeghenlaan 27, 1071 EN, making it convenient for you to attend. I firmly believe that everyone should have access to therapy and coaching services, regardless of their financial situation. For that reason I can offer lower prices based on individual circumstances.

Therapy vs Life Coaching

While both therapy and life coaching aim to help people achieve a better quality of life, they approach this goal differently. Therapy often deals with healing, understanding, and resolving past issues, trauma, and psychological conditions that may affect a person’s current state. It aims to help individuals manage their feelings, build healthier behaviors, and improve their overall mental health. On the other hand, life coaching tends to focus more on the present and future. It’s about goal setting, personal development, and unlocking one’s full potential. While a therapist might help you cope with depression or anxiety, a life coach will guide you towards achieving specific life goals, whether they’re related to your career, relationships, or personal growth.

Getting Started

Starting your therapeutic or coaching journey with me begins with a 20-minute free introductory call. This online meeting provides an opportunity for us to discuss your needs, expectations, and to decide if we are a good fit to work together. Please note that this call is obligation-free, and the purpose is to ensure that we can establish a beneficial therapeutic or coaching relationship.


Looking forward to meeting you and being a part of your journey towards better mental health and personal growth.